Surviving the collapse of modern society would require a mix of practical skills, knowledge, and mindset. Here are some of the most important skills: Basic Survival Skills: ...
Nuclear Winter
A nuclear winter is a theoretical scenario that would follow a large-scale nuclear war, characterized by severe and prolonged climatic cooling and other catastrophic environmental effects. Here's what it might be like: ...
Movies and Video About Nuclear War
Here are some online videos that are recommended for preparing to survive nuclear war, and general nuclear war and nuclear bomb information: Protect and Survive ...
A Nuclear Strike On One Single City
Due to the speed at which nuclear war is expected to escalate, an isolated nuclear attack on just one single city is probably somewhat unlikely. Here we consider a fictitious scenario assuming such an attack...
How to Really Begin Prepping
This page outlines a planning method that can be used to move from reading about prepping to beginning actual prepping. It's for complete beginners, and also for any prepper who'd like more of a routine...
Escape From Alcatraz - Film Review
Silva Expedition 54 Compass - Review
TOPS Tracker Knife T3 - Review
You Don't Know the Power of the Spade
There will be very many uses for digging and for basic hand tools in a post-collapse world. Among them are agriculture, building and construction, and defence. To perform a lot of digging with hand...
How Likely is Nuclear War
How Likely Is Nuclear War? With the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991, and the end of the Cold War, the threat of global nuclear war greatly diminished. After that, a...
The Great Reversal
Imagine a child playing happily outside on the lawn. Imagine now that they stopped doing that, went inside the house, sat down on a chair at a desk, and...
What's Your Greatest Weakness?
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Let's get serious for a few minutes, and think about some of the real problems to be faced in prepping. Specifically, this page will...

The Strategy of Nuclear War
Traditionally there are three different types of nuclear strategy: first strike, launch on warning and post-attack retaliation. First strike is what it sounds like. Post-attack retaliation is too. Launch On Warning Launch on...
Introduction to Nuclear War
In the days of the cold war, nuclear war was on everyone's minds. Now, with ever-increasing world tensions, nuclear war is in the news and in public consciousness again. Perhaps, now...
Nuclear War Survival Basics
Nuclear war is one of those topics that can completely freak people out — often to the point of thinking "why even bother?". So the first thing to know about nuclear war is actually good...